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book review

Though best known for her debut novel, Annabel, Kathleen Winter has long been a short-story writer. Her latest collection displays a kind of before and after: Part One consists of three stories, all centering on a woman named Marianne, that Winter originally wrote in her twenties. She revisited and revised them for publication here after her editor convinced her she should save something from this part of her writing life. What emerges in the Marianne stories is a strong sense of place as Marianne, an outsider from the city, moves to a Newfoundland coastal village in the hopes of writing. The 11 stories in Part Two are more recent. With the exception of the title story, readers of Annabel will find little in common, content-wise, between the novel and this collection. They do, however, share a theme: the individual in the community seeking some balance between freedom and belonging.

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