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Men are much more likely than women to have had sex in a car - or at least more likely to admit it.

In our Harris-Decima poll, 44 per cent of guys admitted to vehicular sex, but only 24 per cent of women. (We'll leave it to the experts to come up with reasons for the glaring discrepancy.)

Women are more open to admitting indulging in other forms of in-car activity: grooming for example. One in three women said they had applied make-up in the car, while only five per cent of men said they had shaved in a vehicle. However, 41 per cent males had changed clothes or dressed in a car, compared to 34 per cent of females.

Meanwhile, a surprisingly high total of men and women have had in-car breakups. About one in ten members of both sex said they had ended a relationship while in a car.


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