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A year ago, I was invited to a dinner party where everyone was asked to bring some wine. I brought a bottle that, while it was not expensive, had been recommended to me. The host did not serve my wine that night - that did not bother me. The problem is, now every time I visit, she tries to give me the wine back. She doesn't come out and say she doesn't like it, but instead acts like I "keep forgetting" that I have wine at her house. What can I do?

A: Yup, that's weird. Really weird. But there are 100 possible reasons she wants to return the wine, and considering that she keeps inviting you back, I suspect that most of them don't have anything to do with either the wine or you. Life's too short - next time she tries, just thank her and accept. (A dramatic, oh-that's-where-I-left-this flourish or two could help to make it entertaining.) And next time you go for dinner, maybe bring flowers instead. Be sure to remind her that you hope she'll return the vase.

Chris Nuttall-Smith is a food writer and restaurant columnist.

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