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In Toronto, being a firefighter means more than fighting fires. According to data analyzed by The Globe and Mail, Toronto's fire service received 44,936 fire calls in 2011, compared to 88,514 medical calls that year. This ratio isn't necessarily unique. In Vancouver and Calgary, fire calls are far outweighed by medical emergencies responded to by the fire department. Below, a look at every call received by the fire service in 2011.

Notes: Reporting errors in the dataset caused some dates to be filed incorrectly as Jan. 1, 2011. As a result, all calls for this date have been removed. A small number of entries with no dates were also excluded.  Alarm calls are not immediately recorded as fires, but may result in a separate fire call being entered into the system. Read the full story.

Interactive by STUART A. THOMPSON
Calendar layout based on RICK WICKLIN and ROBERT ALLISON (PDF).