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Is multiculturalism working for Canada? Are we a shining example for the rest of the world to emulate, a place where everyone feels welcome and settles in with relative ease? Or are we bending over backwards to accommodate all cultures, and undermining our own national identity in the process? Is multiculturalism part of who we are as a nation? Or is it part of the reason that we still don't know who we are?

Send us a one-minute video clip telling us what you think. We want real experiences and anecdotes and footage that reflect the Canada of the 21st century. We want to know where you stand.

Other questions you could answer would be:

  • What are our shared values as Canadians that shape our national identity?
  • If religion is increasingly dividing us, both in politics and in society, how should we try and overcome that?
  • Where does one draw the line when it comes to acceptance of different values?
  • Is the mosaic a better model than the melting pot?
  • How could we improve multiculturalism -- the concept and the policies behind it?
  • Who is the perfect immigrant? Someone just like you, someone totally different, or somewhere in between?
  • How should we turn our diversity into a source of strength?
  • What are your experiences with multiculturalism -- and what could the rest of us learn from them?

There are two ways to share your video with us.

You can upload a video clip with our custom tool.

If you're on Flickr, you can upload a clip to our group.

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