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earlier discussion

Paul KnoxFred Lum/The Globe and Mail

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"It's hard to describe Haiti's physical bankruptcy adequately. The obliteration of the country's forests for fuel wood, and the resulting erosion of fertile topsoil, is well documented and extensively commented upon. But what never fails to amaze me is the haphazardness, and the relentless deterioration, of what architects call the 'built environment.' … So depleted is Haiti's environment that its essence exists primarily in its people - more so, I would argue, than with most nations of the world. There is tremendous cultural and linguistic richness among the physical poverty. Everywhere there is dogged courage in the face of adversity. Despite repeated betrayals, there are bright young people determined to make the best of the latest upheaval."

So former Globe foreign correspondent Paul Knox described the challenges facing Haiti in 2004. Mr. Knox spent more than 30 years as a reporter and editor, including a year as The Globe's foreign editor, before becoming chair of Ryerson University's journalism school in 2005. He continues to write and broadcast on media issues and international affairs.

He joins this afternoon at 1:15 p.m. ET for an hour-long live discussion on his experiences in Haiti, Canada's role there and the challenges that must be overcome, especially in the aftermath of this week's earthquake - Haiti's next "latest upheaval."

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