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The newly redesigned

Our top priority is to bring together authoritative journalism with the best reader experience possible in a seamless way across all our platforms.

With extensive feedback from our readers, we've made improvements to our mobile and desktop section, article and home pages. Additional changes to our iOS and Android news apps are coming soon.

Here are some of the benefits you'll enjoy as a result of these changes:

  • Get to the news faster – improved page-load speed of almost 80 per cent.
  • See what’s new in an instant – newest stories rise to the top of every section page while older stories fall below.
  • Enjoy an easier read – increased font size on article pages improves readability and meets accessibility standards.
  • Focus on the news at hand with fewer distractions – a refined colour palette and simpler page design.
  • Get a deeper understanding of top stories – opinion pieces, explainers and/or analysis are grouped with the related news story.

We know adjusting to these changes may take a bit of time. If you need help finding your way around our website, please call our technical support team at 1-855-813-6111 and we'll be happy to assist.

If you want to learn even more about our new website and our design process, visit for the ongoing work of The Globe and Mail UX team.

You can provide feedback on our site here.

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