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the platforms

Canadian dollarsDeborah Baic/The Globe and Mail

See how the party platforms stack up on a number of key issues. This list will be continually updated as more platform information is announced

Conservative Party of Canada

  • No tax raise on families and consumers, and no tax raise for businesses that create jobs for Canadians
  • Provide a one-year EI break for 525,000 small businesses
  • Aim to complete negotiations on a Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement by 2012 and a Canada-India Free Trade Agreement in 2013
  • Extend the 50 per cent straight-line accelerated Capital Cost Allowance rate for manufacturing or processing machinery and equipment by an additional two years
  • Party website | Party platform

Liberal Party of Canada

  • Reverse corporate tax cuts, saving $5.2-billion
  • Reduce the size of the deficit to about $18.9-billion by the year 2012 -2013.
  • Find $500-million through a program review reallocation, $225-million from ending the oil sands tax break and $263-million from canceling the Public Private Partnerships program.
  • Party website | Party platform

New Democratic Party of Canada

Bloc Québécois

  • Increase support for the forest industry.
  • Secure $2.2-billion from Ottawa in compensation to Quebec for harmonizing its sales tax.
  • Changes to Employment Insurance which include: Eliminating the two-week waiting period, increasing the benefit rate to 60 per cent of wages earned from 55 per cent, and studying the possibility of extending the program to the self-employed
  • Increase the Canada Summer Jobs budget to $123.5 million - indexed to the minimum wage level and rising cost of living
  • Impose a 2 per cent surtax on annual incomes of between $150,000 and %250,000 and a 3 per cent surtax on incomes over $250,000 in order to generate $4.8-billion in revenue.
  • Introduce a tax on non-monetary bonuses.
  • Eliminate tax shelters for banks and big business
  • More support for small and medium businesses and the return of the Canadian Textiles Program
  • Equalization payment reform
  • Party website | Party platform

Green Party of Canada

  • Cancel scheduled corporate tax rate reductions, rolling rate back to 19 per cent, level of 2009; also close tax haven loopholes for companies on worldwide income
  • Establish a minimum wage of $10 an hour under the Canada Labour Code
  • Provide federal funding to local green business start-ups and to locally-raised venture capital
  • Create jobs through investment in renewable energy, expansion of passenger and industrial rail infrastructure and building retrofits
  • Cancel various corporate tax credits including logging tax credit, mineral exploration tax credit and introduce a toxic tax on dangerous substances to discourage their use
  • Eliminate subsidies on fossil fuels, with a first-year reduction of $1.4-billion
  • Cut both employer and employee contributions to EI and CPP by a third, with the federal government making up the difference
  • Reduce the size of deficit to $14.9 billion in 2012-2013 and to $5.5-billion in 2013-2014, and contributing $4.1-billion annually to bringing down the deficit in 2013-2014
  • Party website | Party platform

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