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There were 311 votes in the 40th Parliament from November, 2008, until December, 2010.

Seventeen Members of Parliament missed more than 77, or 25 per cent, of the votes.

Click the headers to sort the data by MP name, political party or the number of votes missed.

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* Mr. Mark and Mr. Prentice have since resigned; Ms. Guergis was a Conservative for most of the period but now sits as an Independent.

How the data were collected

The House has held 311 votes since it began the current session in 2008 until the end of 2010 - ranging from banal procedural matters to fundamental polices that shape the country such as budgets and Criminal Code amendments.

The official website of the Parliament of Canada allows citizens to see how individual MPs voted on specific bills and motions, but missed votes are not listed.

The Globe and Mail worked with Cory Horner, the developer behind, to mine the data from Hansard, the official record of House of Commons proceedings.

"Paired" votes - when party whips arrange for some MPs not to vote to balance out the planned absence of a member from a rival party - were weeded out. When an MP resigned or was elected in a by-election, the count shows only the votes for which that MP was an active member.

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