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BACtrack Breathalyzers

Available at: Best Buy,,,

Price: $30 to $150

My kids are brilliant and invincible. That's because I tell them that every day. Thing is, I'm wrong. Behind the wheel of a car, they are vulnerable and common sense can be wiped out by a bigger influence. One too many drinks is all it takes for them or some other idiot on the road to shatter many lives.

Our test group of adults tried two different BACtrack breathalyzers to learn our limits and we were surprised to find out how little it takes to blow over the safe limit. We're in Alberta where it's 0.05 per cent for adult drivers and zero for anyone at any age on the graduated drivers licence.

The BACtrack Keychain Breathalyzer is about $30 and feels cheap but it was accurate enough to show when a driver should call it quits and small enough that it can be tucked in any pocket. The BACtrack Mobile Smartphone breathalyzer is roughly $150, offering loads of extra data on the app via Bluetooth. The "cool toy" factor made it something everyone wanted to try – and isn't that the point? But it may not travel as well as the key chain one.

The point is – learn your limits and teach your teenagers the same. If a handy gadget helps – use it. We all make stupid mistakes but driving impaired shouldn't be one of them.

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