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Have you ever dated a colleague?

Chances are, the answer's yes. But would you do it even if it meant risking your job?

That's what it meant for Brigadier-General Daniel Menard . He was relieved of his command at the base last weekend and sent home, accused of having an intimate relationship with a member of his staff.

It's not unheard of for a workplace to forbid relationships between colleagues, particularly between those of different ranks. Is it our employer's place to dictate who we can date? Are they simply protecting us from damaging our careers?

The Globe and Mail's Sarah Hampson (who has a positive view on workplace romances) and Toronto image and business etiquette consultant Diane Craig (who cautions against it), as well as Globe writer Erin Anderssen (who wrote about the military incident here), were online Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET to discuss and debate the issue in our latest Globe Life Wednesday Watercooler chat. What's your opinion?

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" height="650px" width="600px" frameBorder ="0" allowTransparency="true" ><a href="" >Is mixing work and sex a good idea?</a></iframe>

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