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A group of 20 Canadian and foreign tourists and their guides stuck on an ice floe off Baffin Island in Nunavut have now all made it to shore and are awaiting rescue by air.

The tourists are with Arctic Kingdom Expeditions, and president Graham Dickson says all have made it off the floe when it floated close to shore and are safe.

Dickson says he expects they will be picked up by helicopter later in the day.

The tour group was set adrift when a 50-kilometre long slab of ice broke away from shore between Monday night and early Tuesday and floated out to sea.

Thirty people were initially on the floe, but RCMP said Tuesday that 10 whale hunters from an undisclosed community managed to get off when their end floated close to land.

Dickson says the floe probably broke away because of what he calls the gravitational pull of the recent "super moon" and very strong winds.

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