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Prime Minister Stephen Harper sings 'Imagine' with 10-year-old Maria Aragon as Laureen Harper looks on during a campaign stop in Winnipeg, Tuesday March 29, 2011. Aragon shot to fame after posting a video on YouTube that was praised by musician Lady Gaga.Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press

Imagine: Prime Minister Stephen Harper yanked from YouTube. It's easy, if you try.

One version of Mr. Harper's campaign duet with 11-year-old singing sensation Maria Aragon of Winnipeg has been pulled from the video-sharing website.

Lenono Music, the company that holds the copyright to the John Lennon composition, "Imagine," reportedly took umbrage at the unauthorized use of the song.

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Lenono Music," a notice on the site says. "Sorry about that."

Oddly, there are countless other clips of the very same Harper-Aragon duet on YouTube that have not been removed.

Indeed, the encounter between the pair remains available in a number of other places online, as well - including the Conservative Party's own website.

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