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appointment notice

Sheila O’Brien, To The Board of Directors, PPP Canada

PPP Canada is pleased to welcome Sheila O'Brien, CM, for a three-year term to PPP Canada's Board of Directors.

Ms. O'Brien was officially appointed as the eighth member of PPP Canada's Board of Directors by the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance, on October 15, 2014. Ms. O'Brien has been the President of Belvedere 1 Investments Ltd. since April 2004. She is a corporate director and business consultant with over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas, pipeline and petrochemical sectors in Canada, the United States, South America and Europe.

PPP Canada's Board of Directors is a diverse group and comes with notable breadth of knowledge and experience in accounting, auditing, law, finance, management, P3 contracting and financing, government and policy development, engineering, construction and the infrastructure sector, writ large. Ms. O'Brien will join her colleagues, Tony Comper, Chair of the Board, Peter Armstrong, Rick Byers, Jacques Lamarre, Bill McMackin, Carol Pennycook and John McBride, Chief Executive Officer.

PPP Canada is the government of Canada's source of expertise on P3s. As a federal Crown corporation it is mandated to improve the delivery of public infrastructure by achieving better value, timeliness and accountability to taxpayers, through P3s.

For further information on PPP Canada and for biographical notes please visit:

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