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best reads

Every day ROB Insight delivers exclusive analysis on breaking business news and market-moving events. Streetwise offers news and analysis on Bay Street and the world of finance.

Here are our editors' picks of some of the best reads of the week. (The articles are available to Globe Unlimited subscribers only.)

Keeping a step ahead of the euro mess

You may be a long way from the sun-kissed isle, but these things have a way of reaching out and grabbing everybody. In ROB Insight, Scott Barlow takes a look at what Canadians should be keeping an eye out for next.

Will ISS hold the door open for Jana?

In the fractious battle for boardroom seats at Agrium, Institutional Shareholder Services could play a pivotal role by recommending a modified version of the Jana slate. There are several possibilities that could play out, as Boyd Erman explains in Streetwise, and it's impossible to say which way things will break.

RIM shares go which way wind blows

The jury is in, and the verdict: Buy RIM shares. Or hold them. No, wait – sell! The speculation surrounding the company is getting out of hand, with analysts reacting to the slightest bit of news. Even this week's earnings report doesn't mean a whole lot with the delayed launch of the BB10 in the U.S., as Sean Silcoff explains in ROB Insight.

And speaking of Wind …

The auction of Wind Mobile, Canada's No. 4 player in the wireless space, is up against a formidable foe – Ottawa. Its Dutch owner can't sell without clear title to the spectrum, which it won't have until the feds approve the transfer of a block of stock owned by one of its founders, Boyd Erman writes in Streetwise. All this comes at a time when the government is preparing to make three key decisions in its bid to encourage greater competition in the sector.

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