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The latest issue of reputable gaming publication Electronic Gaming Monthly apparently has a preview of-wait for it- Lego Halo, complete with screenshots. That's right: Master Chief, Arbiter, and Cortana, rendered in digital Danish toy brick form.

Here's the thing: It's in the April issue. Could it be a joke? Plenty of hardcore gaming sites think so. And with the article quoting a senior Bungie developer as making the outlandish (and unlikely) claim that he believes "the Halo trilogy is as strong as Star Wars," an April Fool's joke suddenly seems more probable than not.

Part of me hopes that it is a gag; the very concept of a Lego Halo game smacks of a cash grab. But another part of me-the part that derived an almost sinful amount of pleasure out of the Lego Star Wars games released over the last few years-thinks it could be a great idea. At the very least, it would be a Halo game that's actually suitable for the millions of pre-teens who currently play the Mature-rated trilogy.

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