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Employees work on the Sea-Doo assembly line at the Bombardier Recreational Products plant in Valcourt, Que.Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press

BRP Inc. DOO-T says it is ramping up production at four of its factories after a cyberattack brought its operations to a halt earlier this month.

The Ski-Doo and Sea-Doo maker says manufacturing sites in Valcourt, Que., Sturtevant, Wis., Rovaniemi, Finland, and Gunskirchen, Austria, are ramping up and expect to be fully operational on Tuesday.

The company says the rest of its production sites are planning to resume operations over the course of the week in a phased approach.

BRP says the attack was a malware infiltration through a third-party service provider.

It believes that the impact of the attack was limited to its internal systems.

BRP says it does not anticipate any impact on its year-end financial guidance.

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