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Jamie Oliver

RGZ, Edmonton: What is the best way to eat well if you cannot afford fresh food? We would appreciate advice on the purchase and preparation of healthy and appetizing food using no or few fresh ingredients.

Jamie Oliver: Buying produce when it's in season means you're getting the best quality at the best value. Get to know your greengrocer and they'll happily talk you through when you can expect a glut of something or pick up a bargain. Most tradesmen want to get rid of stuff by the end of the day, so just before closing time is always when they'll do some good discounting. Keep your eyes peeled and you might get a big bulk of produce for next to nothing. The next step is to use it cleverly – turn a load of overripe tomatoes into pasta sauces or soups, then freeze the surplus or use it for meals in the week to come. Embracing frozen produce is also a good idea – many people think it's not as good for you, but that's simply not true. Frozen peas and fish can form the base of a tasty, affordable and nutritious fish pie. Use frozen veggies in stir-fries, and when you've got a glut of fruit, freeze it – ready to whack straight into a breakfast smoothie. The other great thing about using frozen veggies is that you can just grab a handful of what you need, when you want it.

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