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You know exactly what you want out of life and you know exactly how you are going to get it. The only danger is you may spend too much time refining your plan and not enough time putting it into effect. It's actions that count.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):

Mercury's change of sign today urges a change in attitude on your part. Try taking a step back from what you have been stressing about over the past few weeks. Most likely you will see that it is not so important after all.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):

The more others try to change your way of looking at things the more you will dig in your heels, and you are right to resist. Only you know what is best for you and your instincts tell you this is a time for consolidation, not change.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):

It is time to seize the initiative, declare your independence and start something new. With Mercury, your ruler, moving into your own sign today you can be sure that whatever you begin will be stamped with the mark of success.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):

There are times when you are quite unsociable and this is one of them. By all means spend some time by yourself to think things through and decide what your next major move is going to be. Success is more likely if you plan well ahead.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):

Social activities are under excellent stars at the moment, so take time out of your busy schedule to have fun with friends. Also, if there is some kind of cause or social movement that is close to your heart now is the time to get more involved.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):

If you are not making career plans then you should be. Don't think only in terms of earning money and moving up the corporate ladder, think about making a difference, too. Find ways to help those who are less fortunate than you.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):

This is a good time to be on the move but if work and family commitments keep you stuck in one place you can at least make vacation plans for later in the year. Go somewhere exotic, somewhere that excites and inspires you.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):

Mind planet Mercury moves into one of the more secretive areas of your chart today, so chances are you won't have much to say for yourself and what you do say will be deliberately misleading. Just watch out you don't mislead yourself.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):

Partners and loved ones will have plenty to say for themselves today and not all of it will be music to your ears, but if you are smart you will sit there and listen. Once they have let off steam things will quickly get back to normal.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):

A task you have been putting off for ages will have to be dealt with over the next few days. The sooner you get started on it the sooner it will be done and then you can turn your attention to more enjoyable things. Get to it!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):

Don't worry if your confidence has been a bit low in recent weeks because as from today you will be much more positive about your long-term prospects. It's always a great time to be you, but now more so than ever.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):

A needy individual may get on your nerves but being the nice guy you are you will do what you can to help them. But make sure they know that this is not going to become a regular thing. Sooner or later they have to get a grip.

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