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Around the world, Christians re-enact biblical scenes, join candle-lit marches and make pilgrimages to Jerusalem to commemorate their belief in Christ's death and rebirth.

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Hundreds of processions take place in villages throughout Spain during Holy Week like this one in Zamora.Emilio Morenatti/The Associated Press

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People of Lorca, Spain re-enact biblical scenes during the Holy Thursday parade.Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

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Christian pilgrims walk the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem’s Old City where according to tradition Jesus Christ carried the cross.Barbara Laborde/AFP / Getty Images

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Penitents carry the Apocalypse statue during a Good Friday procession on the island of Procida in the Gulf of Naples.Mario Laporta/AFP / Getty Images

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An Ethiopian Orthodox worshipper prays in Jerusalem's Old City.Amir Cohen/Reuters

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Christians wearing masks and Roman costumes re-enact Christ’s passion in central Philippines.Erik de Castro/Reuters

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People check their phones awaiting a Christian parade near Malaga, Spain.Jon Nazca/Reuters

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Christian worshippers pray on Good Friday in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.Amir Cohen/Reuters

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A woman smokes before joining the "Procesion Virgen de la Esperanza" in Zamora, Spain.Emilio Morenatti/The Associated Press

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Indonesian Catholics carry a cross with Jesus Christ made of straw near Magelang, Central Java.Antara Foto/Reuters

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Penitents parade with crosses in the northern Spanish Basque village of Segura.Gari Garaialde/AFP / Getty Images

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