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Scotland says No: What Globe voices say

For Scots, achieving independence would have been the easy part

The last few months have provided a lesson in the new realities of nationhood: It’s never been easier, nor worth less

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Britain is about to learn that federalism is a messy business

The Scottish referendum will produce a series of cascading changes of a kind the British have never known

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Yes or No, the Scottish referendum vote was unfair (Unlimited subscribers only)

The 50-per-cent-plus-one criteria is a morally defective method for a decision with such critical ramifications

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The future Britain is going to look a lot like Canada

Canada’s former mother country may still be worthy of the name United Kingdom, but the version that goes forward is increasingly going to resemble its Canadian child.

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In the end, Scots chose realism over romanticism

The damage a majority Yes vote would have done was difficult to fathom or calculate

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Dear Scotland: An open letter from your Canadian cousins

Here is our advice and our plea: Stay in the United Kingdom.

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Dear Britain: An open letter from your Canadian cousins

Our advice comes down to this: Exercise extreme caution. Change as much of your constitution as you must – and as little as you can.

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