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leadership lab

This column is part of Globe Careers' Leadership Lab series, where executives and experts share their views and advice about leadership and management. Follow us at @Globe_Careers. Find all Leadership Lab stories at

Technological innovation is moving at a breakneck pace, taking businesses further and faster every day. However, an organization's success still relies on the people that power it and that begins with the hiring process. While technology has made it easier to delve deeply into the history of potential hires, it is still the human element that matters most.

So, how can you attract the candidates that will take your company to the next level? Start with the following three tips:

Get active with passive candidates

For decades, the hiring process remained the same, depending heavily on active recruitment and job postings. Thus, it attracted those that were looking for a new position. Of course, the majority of the best candidates are more often than not already employed.

To attract the strongest candidates, forward-thinking companies have increased their attention to passive recruitment, seeking out professionals who aren't necessarily searching for new opportunities.

Ironically, this means the onus is on you to sell your company, its culture, and the opportunities that it offers – so be ready with an elevator pitch and a firm understanding of your attractive values and benefits. Which brings us to the next tip:

Know your employer brand

Who are you and what do you stand for? And are these things reflected in the face you present publicly? For instance, do your website or social media properties do a good job of representing and expressing your corporate culture?

Simply put: know your brand, share your brand, and always keep it up to date. This way, when strong candidates consider joining you, they will have a good sense of what they're getting into and how they would fit in.

While your online presence is very important, the strongest influencers for your brand are the people that already work with you. They are your best ambassadors. Ensure that your colleagues have all the tools they need to let others know about your brand and business. This is essential to the passive recruitment model.

Adopt an always-on recruiting strategy

As discussed above, you need to be diligent about keeping your employees informed and well versed in your company's mission and ethos. Similarly, your recruiting strategy should also be constant. Hiring shouldn't happen on an as needed basis – leaders should always be on the lookout for talent. This means that sometimes the line between the hiring manager and recruiter is blurred. However, the recruiter's role cannot be underestimated. In the new world of talent acquisition, collaboration between managers and recruiters should be tighter than ever in order to develop a strategy to attract the best possible candidates.

The old adage "You are only as good as the company you keep" has never been more relevant. By embracing the passive recruiting structure and reinforcing a different way of thinking about talent acquisition, leaders can secure their company's position in this new world.

Brian Church is country manager for Canada and head of sales solutions for North America at LinkedIn (@LinkedIn).

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