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Real Madrid's head coach Zinedine Zidane gives instructions from the side line during Spanish Super Cup semi final soccer match at La Rosaleda stadium in Malaga, Spain, on Jan. 14, 2021.The Associated Press

Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Spanish club said Friday.

The announcement came two days after Zidane coached the team in a 2-1 loss at third-tier Alcoyano in the Copa del Rey.

Assistant coach David Bettoni will coach Madrid at Alaves on Saturday.

“I spoke with (Zidane) this morning and he is fine,” Bettoni said.

The club has not provided any other information on his health status.

Two weeks ago, Zidane tested negative for the virus after he had been in close contact with someone who was infected.

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