Directed by Rémi Bezançon (France)

A grad student in philosophy and a video-store clerk fall madly in love, decide to make a baby and rapidly find themselves overwhelmed. Sleepless nights, dirty diapers, designer strollers, breast pumps, interfering grandmothers, no sex and many tears both baby and adult; all of this is terrain very familiar to anyone who has ever had a child. Director Rémi Bezançon, adapting the story from a novel, covers it with a delicate touch, slightly satirical but unsuccessfully philosophical. (The philosophy student turned mom narrates the film.) The results, prettily performed by Louise Bourgoin and Pio Marmaï, are sweet but pointless. K.T.

Sept. 15, 6:30 p.m., Roy Thomson; Sept. 16, 4:45 p.m., Isabel Bader