Is biology destiny? Will the actor Rami Malek (Mr. Robot), with eyes as wide as the Sargasso Sea, be forever consigned to playing characters who stare down their own souls? Are you drawn to films you'd describe as mysterious, fractured, tormented, open-ended? How do you feel about "Lynchian," as in David Lynch?

Do you like long shots of clocks and waiting for the minute to change with a loud CLICK? Do you see that I am asking many questions and answering none of them, because that is what this movie does? Does that bother you? If so, you may not want to run out to this one, about a motel night clerk/family man named Jonah (Malek) and a broken drifter named Buster (Malek again), who may or may not be the same person, who may or may not have done a heinous thing, which may or may not have been beyond his control.

However, if you appreciate a writer/director and actor who swing for the fences and chase after big questions (Are we cogs in the machine of the universe? If so, can we alter our fate? Or is everything super random?), this has a dreamlike beauty that may catch you in its spell.