An Inconvenient Truth rides a Humvee. From the alarm-bell-ringing documentarian Jared P. Scott (Requiem for the American Dream and Disruption) comes The Age of Consequences, a laser-guided film on the perils of climate change to national security, without a polar bear on a melting ice float in sight. Threat multiplier, catalyst for conflict, risk accelerant – global warming is tinder to the fire of fragile nation-states. Scott relentlessly and stylishly offers a hard reality, using authors, analysts and retired military officials to lay out the worldwide menace of droughts and rising waters. A water shortage didn't start the civil war in Syria, for example, but it's a factor. As was the wheat shortage in Russia and Ukraine that caused grain exports to the Middle East to dry up. The doc focuses on climate-change dangers to U.S. national security, whether it is the type of calamity caused by Superstorm Sandy or something on the other side of the world that draws on U.S. military resources. Civilization has the wealth and the technology to start dealing with the threat, but does it have the wisdom?