It all starts in a restaurant, where it's date night for two couples: David (Robert Moloney) and Holly (Laura Bertram), newlyweds but already in a rut; and Dianne (Amanda Tapping) and Matt (Zak Santiago), together five years but still figuring each other out. Later, when Matt takes action to save his relationship, it will ultimately put David and Holly's marriage to the test. The film manages to transcend the hokey, overused bunch-of-connected-people-and-hey-some-of-them-are-at-the-same-restaurant-on-the-same-night construct with some really nice writing, and strong performances. Ted Whittall is very funny as David's business associate with lots of money – and issues, and Sonja Bennett is wonderful as the receptionist who stalks him. Where the film doesn't ring true is in the Dianne-Matt union. The sexual chemistry that is supposed to be keeping this mismatched couple together is in no way apparent.

Oct. 5, 6 p.m., Granville 4; Oct. 9, 12 p.m., Granville 5; Oct. 12, 6 p.m., Granville 5