Dennis (Kim Kold), a bodybuilder and part-time security guard at a slaughterhouse in Copenhagen, has a problem: At 38 years of age, he's still living at home with mom. And what a mom Ingrid (Elsebeth Steentoft) is: Stern and domineering, she is unable to allow Dennis to grow up and, God forbid, start to date. But eventually, Dennis decides to grow wings – flying to Thailand on a secret vacation (he tells mom he's attending a bodybuilding tournament in Germany), where after a few awkward hookups with local Thai prostitutes he meets Toi, the accidental owner of a local gym (a facility she inherited from her late husband). Love ensues – but watch what happens when Toi visits Dennis in Denmark. Kold is masterfully understated as the painfully awkward hulk – a man whose only real power can be exercised with weights.

Sept. 28, 6 p.m., Granville 3; Oct. 2, 11:40 a.m. Granville 3