What's the one scene that gave me pause in the just-released trailer for Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street, set for a November release starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, the real-life, uber-rich stockbroker partaking in the excesses of a good life before an inevitable fall?

Not the one with the dwarf-tossing. Not cocktails with a bronzed Matthew McConaughey. Not DiCaprio looking up a blonde's mini-dress as she coos, "What's wrong, Daddy?"

It was the scene with the surefire signifier of a man of wealth if not taste truly on life's downward path – the moment when, channelling Elvis, Michael Jackson, Siegfried & Roy and the Biebs, DiCaprio's character takes an exotic animal into his domicile, sweet domicile.

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Once you see that two-second clip of DiCaprio cuddling a chimp – a violation of the laws of nature – you know it's Sing Sing for sure for Belfort. As Peter Gabriel astutely observed: "You can ape the ape/ [But] darling, don't you monkey with the monkey."