In 2007, Miranda Lambert had a hit with Famous in a Small Town. When it comes to the music industry, now more than ever, small-town is big time – country music sells, all over North America.

On her new album Platinum – a nod to her hair colour and record-selling status – Lambert is earthy and sassy, with a Dolly-esque grin and a charismatic dose of self-awareness. The album art has her dolled up in a trailer; she's straddling two worlds, this down-home, relatable superstar.

The likable title track pokes fun at the power of yellow hair – "just go one shade lighter, you'll acquire everything you want" – and on the happy-choppy strum of Priscilla, Lambert (the wife of country star Blake Shelton) compares herself to the former queen to the King: "What happened to you is happening to me."

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Stylistically, she is all over the Rand McNally, from a Texas-swing kiss-off to emotive soul balladry. Fashions fade, but platinum always looks good, no better than on the crown of Lambert.