
By Gord Downie, the Sadies, and the Conquering Sun from the forthcoming Gord Downie, the Sadies, and the Conquering Sun (Arts & Crafts); streaming here.

A new band has happened between the Tragically Hip's third-rail front-man Gord Downie and the Sadies, those alt-country riders on the storm.

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You will know them from their debut single, Crater, a chugging, double-fisted Pearl Jammed thing. The collaboration, long rumoured, comes to life with an album (out April 15) and a likely schedule of summer festival appearances.

On Crater, Downie, jaw set tight and riding deep inside the Sadies' riff-and-roll groove, delivers lines about crushed dreams and places tough to crawl out from. Sounds like a struggle. Sounds like shots were fired. Sounds good loud.