Chief of research, The Conference Board of Canada

How do you support a work colleague who you think is experiencing a mental health issue and who doesn’t appear open to talking or accepting help?

Let’s begin with a case study example to provide context.

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Over the past two weeks, you’ve noticed some changes in the behaviour of a peer you care about and enjoy working with – things you’ve never seen before that lead you to suspect that something is off. The behaviour raising your concerns includes:

Based on your observations and personal experience in supporting a family member who developed a mental health issue, you become concerned about them. Out of that concern, you ask if you can help. During a quiet moment when it’s just the two of you in a confidential space, you say, “Hi. Just checking in: I don’t want to be pushy, but are you okay? Is there anything going on that’s upsetting you?” Their response is quick and short, “Everything is fine.” You reply, “Are you sure? I’m here if you need anything at all.” Their response is “Yes,” and they walk away.

The person says they don’t want any help, and you’re unsure what you can do from this point.

What not to do

What you can do

But ultimately, unless there is a safety concern, there are limits to how much you can help. Think about the following: A person falls down a set of stairs and breaks their leg. Paramedics arrive but can only assist if the person accepts their help. If the person says they don’t want any help, the paramedics can’t force themselves on them.

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Mental health is similar. We can’t force ourselves on someone, but as a peer, we can show we care and want to help. And when someone trusts a person they’re confiding in, that person can help them get past any stigma of asking for help.

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