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Regardless of the industry, if your team is excited about what the company is working toward, they will maintain the right energy and take the initiative to go that extra mile, Jay Klein writes.

Jay Klein is the founder and CEO of The PUR Company.

I will always remember being giddy about selling my first pack of gum out of my backpack, to a complete stranger.

This small accomplishment sparked an early innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in me that blossomed into my role as founder of the best-selling, aspartame-free brand worldwide. After my first sale, I intrinsically became addicted to challenging myself, setting goals and pushing the boundaries to achieve them.

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I thought, if I could sell one pack of chewing gum, could I sell 100? What about 1,000? What about creating a business? The sky was and still is the limit. This is a mentality I live and breathe every day, and instill in my team.

We consider ourselves to be a “Wild, Wild West” organization – truly rooted in an entrepreneurial dynamic where we work hard, play hard and drive our business forward. We focus on motivating and inspiring our team by setting targets and following through on delivery.

Regardless of the industry, if your team is excited about what the company is working toward, they will maintain the right energy and take the initiative to go that extra mile.

We dangle the target carrot – or in our case, a piece of gum – and get them to bite. We hold everyone at every level accountable to his or her goals. We check in with them frequently along the way to brainstorm, pivot or discuss challenges, barriers and wins.

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While some companies stick to a once-a-year review process, other companies are doing away with performance reviews altogether. At PUR, we focus on improvement, development and challenging the congenital way of doing things. Our employees gain a passion for the business and a level of empowerment that drives results from our professional development and target-setting process.

As businesses evolve and roles constantly change (especially those in expertise/specialized roles), the competition continues to become fiercer across all industries. To keep employees motivated, on their toes and hungry to deliver results, leaders should focus on working with their teams to set goals and keep their teams accountable. Here are a few ways we do it at PUR:

While some industries may find the regular check-ins suffocating, others find it inspiring and highly stimulating, especially in the creative ones as it allows for collaboration.

Our process works because our people know that their voice, input and hard work in reaching targets can genuinely impact the business. Further, the attention to detail that goes into our development process results in a sense of empowerment that leads to proud employees who come to work everyday ready to go above and beyond, and perhaps think up the next innovation.

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