Public health units and hospitals in Ontario are planning kid-friendly COVID-19 vaccination settings for babies and preschoolers when shots become available next week.

Peterborough Public Health says its dedicated clinics for children aged six months to five years will give families extra time at their appointments to get comfortable and ask questions.

The health unit says there will be barriers set up in mass immunization clinics for families who might need privacy.

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Huron Perth Public Health says it will run clinics exclusively for the youngest age group starting next Friday, and recommends parents bring favourite toys or music to help children relax.

Niagara Region Public Health says it’s planning clinics and engaging with primary care doctors as many parents will likely want their child vaccinated by a physician who knows them.

The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa says its clinics will vaccinate children who are immunocompromised, need extra time, have medical complexities, difficulty with crowds or other medical factors.

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