When Flipboard first approached The Globe and Mail about making us the first Canadian partner on their social reading app, we were naturally thrilled at the prospect.

Not only does Flipboard offer an innovative, print-inspired reading experience that has earned it Apple's App of the Year and listed it among Time Magazine's Top 50 Inventions, it also presented The Globe and Mail with an interesting opportunity. After all, we thought, we've spent all this time turning our newspaper into a suite of robust, real-time Twitter feeds, why not let Flipboard take those Twitter feeds and turn them back into a newspaper?

Trust us, it made sense at the time. And thank goodness it did, as we are pleased to announce the launch of The Globe and Mail for Flipboard, a visually stunning and insightful reading experience that is ready to be enjoyed on your iOS device of choice.

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If you're already a Flipboard user, add us to your home screen now by launching your app, tapping the red ribbon in the top right-hand corner, and searching for "The Globe and Mail." (If you're not yet a Flipboard user, you can download the app here.)

Once you've added The Globe and Mail to your home screen, you will have real-time access to a wide range of content from the Globe's award-winning team of journalists. Stay informed in real-time with the latest headlines in news, business, politics, sports and technology, or curl up on the couch for a leisurely flip through our insightful analysis and best-in-class coverage of national and international news.

So add The Globe and Mail to your Flipboard today, and let us know what you think in the comments.