Chemistry is key in the dating world - and despite our best attempts, online personality tests, mutual friend suggestions ("you'd be perfect for each other!") sometimes the magic just isn't there.

Or when you least expect it, a first date can bring fireworks. You're beaming on the sidewalk, smiling to yourself, days after it ends.

In either case, the dating game makes for terrific stories.

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When we asked for your best and worst date stories - we knew the reaction would be strong. But we didn't expect to receive such laugh-out-loud nightmare tales (Did he really ask you for bus fare? Pocket dial you while hitting on another girl? Or show up with an eye patch?)

On the other side of cupid's arrow, we didn't expect such swoon worthy stories of lasting love, romantic reunions and awesome attraction (who knew a brick of cheese could be so sweet?)

In total, more than 100 stories - at least those fit for publishing in a family newspaper - came in: some cringe worthy, some tear jerkers, all highly-entertaining.

We also asked you to answer some inappropriate questions about love, sex and dating. Who knew you were so romantic? Of the 10,000 readers who took The Globe's great big shmoopy Valentine's Day poll, 22 per cent believe in soulmates.

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And - perhaps not surprisingly - we learned that men and women are very different creatures.

Are you shocked to learn that 47 per cent of men who responded would like sex today? (Only 14 per cent women said the same; the majority of ladies would prefer dinner and romantic gifts.)

How about that at least 59 per cent of respondents have felt at least a little bit sad on Feb. 14? Or that both sexes agree bad breath is the biggest turn-off? Fascinating stuff.

Thank you for sharing. And whether you are celebrating rare, real love tonight, or you're spending it with Ryan Gosling, your couch and a bottle of red, Happy Valentine's.