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Simoniz Headlight Polish Restoration Kit

Available at: Canadian Tire

Price: $15.99

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Dusk is arriving earlier now and the headlights are coming on sooner. Or maybe they aren’t. It’s impossible to tell through that yellow haze on the headlight covers that has built up gradually over the years.

Washing with soap and water won’t work with that oxidized crust. Just like a trip to the hygienist to get the coffee stains off your teeth, your headlights need a polish, too.

We tested the Simoniz Headlight Restoration kit on a terribly neglected set of headlights. The kit comes with three levels of sandpaper that stick to a palm-sized handle. Using lots of water, the coarsest sandpaper and elbow grease, start scrubbing in circular motions covering the entire headlamp. Its amazing how much you clean off with that first sanding. Keep doing that with the finer papers until the yellow is gone and the pits smooth out.

The final touch is a gentle coat of the creamy polish that is rubbed on with the applicator and rubbed off with the microfibre cloth. The headlamps we shined were appalling but after a half hour of effort they were far clearer than when we started. If you are not happy with the results, repeat the entire process, or get out the power buffer and really give it a polish.

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