MotorMood Emojis

Suppose you are driving on a busy road and desperately need to change lanes. You flick on the signal light with dim hopes of being let in. To your disbelief, someone let you in. You wave, but the tinted back window obscures the gesture. Now, thanks to MotorMood, you can press a button to wirelessly activate the battery-operated glowing smiley face stuck to your rear window.

MotorMood is a young company from California which last year, in one month on Kickstarter, raised $117,000 but cancelled the campaign. Why? Jon Shell, a Canadian investor stepped in with a better offer that not only brought in the funds to start production but also to ramp up the brainstorming on the next generation of MotorMood's glowing faces.

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The classic MotorMood comes in three peaceful colours of smiley or winky faces – with blue, pink or green overlays, depending on your mood. The next generation will be based on popular emojis, incorporating a thumbs up sign, a peace symbol and a waving hand. Don't expect angry faces or inappropriate gestures. It's all about being happy.

With a key investor being a Canadian, it won't be long for MotorMood to be distributed in Canada.

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