Hello Rob.

I have a 2002 Acura 1.7 EL. One of my relatives asked what size the engine was. They said it was under the hood but I can't find it.

Can you help me find this number if the 1.7 number on the trunk doesn't describe it?

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Mary Anne

It's funny how manufacturers - and some serious car folks - take for granted that everyone knows what size their engine is. It might sound trivial to some of you, but if you're in the habit of looking after your car or maintaining it yourself, knowing the engine size is very important, further, as you have discovered, finding that information is not always easy. I have supplied two examples of where to look and what to look for. In both cases, these decals are located under the hood.

The top picture is from a 2011 Chevy diesel pickup I'm currently testing. The GM engine size is quite obvious in that it lists the engine as a 6.6 L, indicating that this is a 6.6 litre engine.

In the second example, the engine size is not obvious. In this case, you will need to look for a number that has typically two numbers separated by a period.

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In this case, my wife's 2009 Toyota Venza, this is a 3.5 litre engine. The other letter designations refer to engine family and classes. These are usually not critical to the average consumer, but may sometimes be asked for at a parts counter, so you should keep these sets of numbers and figures handy in your maintenance manual for reference.

Failing that Mary Anne, you can sometimes discern the engine size by looking at the vehicle's model identification. You assumed correctly that the 1.7 on your car's trunk is the size of your engine.