In a recent online discussion regarding covered call ETFs, vice-president of Horizons Exchange Traded Funds Eden Rahim promised readers he would provide us with a list of recommended books on options trading.

True to his word, the list is as follows:

1. Options Perceptions & Deception: Position Dissection and Risk Analysis by Charles Cottle, 1996

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2. The Bible of Options Strategies, by Guy Cohen, 2005

3. The Derivatives Engineering Workbook, by The Globecon Group, 1995

4. Options Pricing & Investment Strategies, by Richard Bookstaber, 1987

5. Options: Trading Strategies that Work, by William Eng, 1992

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6. Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla & Exotic Options, by Nassim Taleb, 1997

7. Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability Through Risk Control, by Kenneth Grant, 2004

8. The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making, by Scott Plous, 1993

9. Can You Win? Real Odds for Casino Gambling, Sports Betting & Lotteries, by Mike "The Shark" Orkin

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10. Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel & VBA, by Mary Jackson, 2001

11. The Rules of Risk, by Ron Dembo, 1998

12. Sickness Unto Death, by Soren Kierkegaard, 1848

13. Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software, by Steven Johnson

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14. Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radical Remaking of Economics, by Eric D. Beinhocker.