We've updated the popular Globe Investor app for iPhone and iPod touch to make it compatible with iOS 7, the latest substantial operating-system release for those devices.

Gone is a glitch that blocked access to line charts, financial ratios and metrics from the drop-down drawers in My Watchlist.

On company-detail pages, news headlines, ratios, financials and general information for each company are accessible again. The same defect was preventing access to line charts, market-breadth statistics, sectors and constituents of indexes in the Markets section. These are all restored in this update.

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In addition to bug fixes, we have modernized the design of the app to make it more harmonious with the simpler and more refined aesthetic of iOS 7.

If you have your iTunes and App Store settings set to automatically download apps, then you don't need to do anything and just enjoy the upgrade. Otherwise, the update will appear under Updates in the App Store and you can install it from there.