WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? We spent the last couple of days looking for the best and worst growth stories in Canada. A couple of weeks ago we looked at the best growth names in the United States, so naturally it's time to look for the worst growth stories in the U.S. TODAY'S SCREEN We'll use the screening tool available from Thomson One Analytics again. We'll look for U.S.-listed stocks that have less than 5-per-cent expected revenue and share profit growth for this year and next. We'll add a minimum market capitalization of $2-billion (U.S.). We'll rank stocks by the worst expected profit growth for next year. We'll also display price-to-earnings ratios so that you can get a feel for how expensive or cheap these stocks are. SO WHAT DID WE TURN UP? The screen turned up 49 stocks in total. A couple of the companies that showed up on the worst growth list of Canada are also near the top of the U.S. list: Methanex Corp. and Biovail Corp. Not surprisingly, U.S. housing company Toll Brothers Inc. is also near the top.