StockReports+ is a Thomson Reuters service that helps investors pick equities by simplifying the process of evaluating stocks, finding new trading ideas, and understanding trends affecting markets and industries. Globe Unlimited subscribers get unlimited access to these reports from about 7,000 companies, which normally retail for $25 each.

Manulife Financial Corp., a stock that stands to benefit in a rising interest rate environment, has seen a favourable summer for its shareholders and over the past year has outperformed the S&P/TSX composite index by nearly 9 per cent.

This StockReports+ report suggests the stock may very well have further to climb.

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StockReports+ gives each stock an average score that combines the quantitative analysis of six widely-used investment decision-making tools: earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, risk, price momentum and insider trading. The average score for Manulife is now 10 out of 10, rising to that peak in mid-September mostly because of an improvement in its earnings component score. It is now among a small group of 68 stocks awarded the highest score.

Read more in this comprehensive report.

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