StockReports+ is a Thomson Reuters service that helps investors pick equities by simplifying the process of evaluating stocks, finding new trading ideas, and understanding trends affecting markets and industries. Globe Unlimited subscribers get unlimited access to these reports from about 7,000 companies, which normally retail for $25 each.

Groupon Inc. shares are falling hard today - down nearly 20 per cent at midday - after the e-commerce coupon company released a disappointing financial outlook as part of fourth-quarter results late Thursday.

Groupon said it expects to lose between 2 cents and 4 cents a share in the first quarter, much weaker than the 5 cents profit expected by analysts.

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This StockReports+ report suggests the stock sell-off could have been anticipated - and that more selling could materialize.

StockReports+ gives each stock an average score that combines the quantitative analysis of six widely-used investment decision-making tools: earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, risk, price momentum and insider trading. Groupon's average score is 1 out of 10, and has been at that level for the past 14 weeks. It's currently among a group of 236 stocks awarded StockReports+ lowest score.

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