The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

10 money tips for starting a new year
Some useful thoughts here on how to gauge whether your finances are on track.

The rising cost of daycare
This list of the top six parenting trends for 2016 includes two that suggest people are willing to spend big money on the best daycare for their kids.

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Check out this study showing how expensive traditional daycare already is across the country. Add these costs to high house prices, and you start to understand why more millennials are talking about putting off having kids, or not having them at all.

Joy through less junk
Here's a trend to keep an eye on – the minimalism movement. The idea is to declutter your life and focus on owning things that give you joy. Call me skeptical that this will go anywhere in our supersize me world

Top financial concerns of the self-employed
A survey of U.S. business owners finds many of them are planning to work into their retirement years because the economic climate has hurt their ability to save.

More money
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