The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Millennials choosing houses over retirement
Very few young adults are maxing out their annual TFSA contributions. Sometimes it's because they don't have money to save. But a theory advanced here says it's also because they're focused on buying houses and perhaps neglecting retirement saving.

Who benefits from a higher TFSA limit
Financial Diffraction, a blog where "a scientist takes on money, debt, and life," looks at who benefits from a doubling of the contribution limit for tax-free savings accounts and, just as importantly, who does not.

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First-time home buyers by the numbers
A look at the results from a recent survey of first-time home buyers. How much are they paying, how much total debt do they have and more.

Tips on Form T1135
That's CRA's foreign income verification statement and it may apply if you own U.S.-listed exchange-traded funds. Vanguard ETFs are mentioned here, but the information applies to other U.S. ETFs as well.

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