The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Sorry, not everyone should learn to invest
A woman named Darlene writes the personal finance columnist at the L.A. Times about learning to invest. His helpful response is critiqued here by financial blogger Felix Salmon, who has some smart things to say to people about getting a handle on their finances.

Married, with roommates
Millennial home owners in New York are bringing in roommates to help generate the extra cash flow they need to live in a desirable neighbourhood with a short commute.

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How to talk about money with your kids
The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, a non-profit group the promotes financial literacy in schools, launches its 2015 Talk With Our Kids About Money program on Wednesday with an event at a Toronto public school. Here's a link to the Talk With Our Kids About Money website, where you'll find articles, links and ideas for parents and teachers.

Stop making interest-free loans to the government
All about how getting a tax refund means the government is paying you back your own money. You can fix this by having less tax deducted from your paycheque.

More money
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