The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Why you should buy a house near a Starbucks
U.S. data shows houses located near a Starbucks outlet have appreciated more in value than those that are not.

Where millennials live like kings
It's Buffalo, N.Y., where one young couple just bought a three bedroom house for $16,000 (U.S.). That's part of the reason why the number of college grads living there has jumped by more than in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago.

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The yearlong shopping ban – a progress report
The Blonde on a Budget blogger updates us on her plan to not buy stuff like "clothes, shoes, books, notebooks, electronics, household items, nail polish… or takeout coffee (other than when I'm travelling)."

Best broker for service
This ranking gives Credential Direct top marks for customer service, with Qtrade Investor coming in second.

Qtrade was my top pick in the latest Globe and Mail ranking of online brokers.

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