The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick. This is the last Carrick on Money blog post until 2014. Happy Holidays!

10 extreme ways to save for a house
Get a roommate, move back in with your parents, ditch your cable TV service and more.

At 61, she lives in a basement while her dad travels
There's a sense that the baby boom generation has been lucky in employment, investing and housing, but maybe not as much as we think. Read here about a 61-year-old American woman who has a much lower standard of living than her father, 85.

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Christmas with the boyfriend's family
A Gen Y blogger writes here about what to bring as a gift as she spends her first Christmas with her boyfriend's family.

The five worst tech purchases
Point-and-shoot cameras, name brand HDMI cables and more.

More money
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