The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.

Help, I missed the big stock market rally
A step-by-step guide for taking control of your investments at a time when the U.S. stock market is almost 150 per cent from its early 2009 low.

Teach your wife to be a widow
That's the title of a 1953 book that urges men to explain the basics of life insurance, investments and more to their wives. Men, this book says, "your business is your wife's business." To read more of this relic from the dark ages of family finances, click here.

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The truth about cloth vs. disposable
A new mom reports on whether cloth diapers really do save you money over disposables.

It's not me, it's you
Some thoughts on dumping a do-nothing financial adviser at your bank.

More money
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